If you meet one of these scan errors, try the recommended solutions.
Scan Error 1: The remote name could not be resolved: ‘app1.drivereasy.com’
The error may appear like this:

Make sure that you can have access to internet and the network works well, then try again.
Scan Error 2: Unable to connect to the remote server
You may meet the error message which says like following:

Restart Driver Easy to try again. If the problem persists, click here and follow the instructions there.
Scan Error 3: Error creating the Web Proxy specified in the configuration section ‘system.net / defaultproxy’
The error may appear like this:

Click here and follow the instructions to fix the problem.
Scan Errors: ( 403), (404), (504) issues
These issues would occur if Driver Easy could not be connected to the servers successfully at that moment. Please try using Driver Easy at a later time.
If the problem is still there, disable any antivirus software, firewall or VPN temporarily.
After you follow these instructions to try resolving the problem , and if the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please provide us with details about the problem and the screen shot of the error. We would help make a further check regarding your issue. You can expect our reply within 2 working days.