Windows 10 is scheduled to be released in this summer. And it will be a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users for the first year. I believe all of you are as excited as me when you hear this great news.

It’s exciting but it also can be worrying. When upgrading the system to Windows 10, you might need to update many drivers. The updating is to ensure the devices can work properly in Windows 10. It can be annoying because it might take you much time to search, download and install the drivers.

Please do not worry about this, because Driver Easy will help you. Our professional development team have been testing Windows 10. We’ve been working hard on this because your satisfaction is our first priority.  We promise that Driver Easy is available whenever you use Windows 10.  And we believe Driver Easy will provide you with the appropriate and latest drivers for the new system.

Let’s look forward to Windows 10. 


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Camilla, a certified MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), has almost four years technical writing experience. Before working as a technical writer for Driver Easy, she was a technical support agent, helping people to solve their computer problems. She enjoys providing solutions to computer problems and loves exploring new technologies.

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
